Specialisterne Canada Inc.
T 416.479.0689
Email: info@specialisterne.ca
- “Show not Tell” recruitment and onboarding programs
- Post-hiring Workplace Support services
- Education and awareness training
- Campus and post-secondary job readiness programs.
Specialisterne seeks to enable one million jobs for neurodivergent candidates around the world and transform hiring practices. Specialisterne Canada is proud to be part of this global coalition that envisions a world where all persons are given equal opportunities in the labour market.Mission
Specialisterne is an internationally recognized leader in harnessing the talents of neurodivergent individuals, providing businesses with talented employees, and providing recruits with the opportunity to sustain meaningful employment. Businesses partner with Specialisterne because they recognize the business value in hiring people who think and communicate differently – an asset in problem-solving, team building, and innovation.At Specialisterne, the Dandelion represents our core values and business model. In an environment where it is not welcomed, many view the dandelion as a weed. When cultivated, the dandelion is one of the most valuable and useful plants in nature.